Saturday, February 28, 2009

Interview series

I am so excited!!
I thought it would be a fun idea to do blog interviews, so I asked some people if I could interview them, and they said yes!!! Now all I have to do is think up some questions. Keep your eyes peeled!!
I hope to have the first one up by next week.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A website I enjoy

One of the girls over at Scrapgirls shared a cool idea from this website. I liked it so much I signed up for the newsletter and am really enjoying it. The website has lots of fun photography ideas, a forum and a store. The above pic is of an idea for a perpetual wall calendar. Go check it out.


Another book review ~ Tis the Season by Lorna Landvik

My children got me my favorite Christmas gift this year. A gift certificate for

While trying to decide what to actually use it on, I decided that maybe I should try utilizing the local library again. I seem to have a problem RETURNING the books and end up paying a bunch of money for books I can't even keep. I am just too impatient for the library. We have a rather small library here and they never have any of the books I want on the shelves, I have tried requesting them online in the past but usually forget to pick them up. LOL. Due to the fact that my wishlist is much larger then my gift certificate I broke down and tried the library again.

I requested three books last Saturday and finally was able to pick one up today.

And yes, I finished it already.

As always I read the reviews for this book before I read the book. I don't know why I bother doing that. Sometimes I think it clouds my opinion of the book as I'm reading it, but I did it anyone. Lorna Landvik is one of my favorite authors. And not just because she is a local writer LOL. So I knew ahead of time that it was not one of her best novels, yet I still enjoyed it. It was written like emails back and forth between the main character and a few others. It seems that most of the people on Amazon didn't enjoy that but, I (being an internet junkie) really did. It certainly was not as good as "Oh my stars" or "Pattyjanes house of curl" or "Angry housewives eating bon bons" but it was a fun read. Glad I didn't use my GC on it. It reminding me of reading the perezhilton website. It is about a rich drunken heiress, her escapades being splashed all over the tabloids and her return to herself with some help from old friends.

Check it out the next time you are at the library, or better yet read "oh my stars" it's a good book.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Book Review ~ Digging to America

Remember when I posted the book challenge?

I finished the book I was reading, Digging to America by Anne Tyler, and I thought I would post a little review. It has been several years since I read a book by this author, but I have always enjoyed her style. She has a way of making everyday life interesting.

Digging to America is the story of two American families who adopt baby girls from Korea. The book begins as the two families meet each other at the airport the day that their daughters arrive and follows the families for several years. The main theme of the book is finding your place. One of the families is a white family and the other family is Iranian. It is interesting to watch how differently the two families raise their daughters and the choices they make. Can you guess which family tries the hardest to "Americanize" their daughter and which tries the hardest to preserve her Korean-ness? It is an interesting glimpse into the life of an American who wasn't born in America. It is not my favorite book by Ms. Tyler but still a good one.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why I decided to go digital

Maybe a better title would be HOW I decided to go digital.

It all started when we went to Florida. It was our first family vacation, the first airplane ride for my boys. I got a "better" digital camera for the trip. Looking back now with my DSLR that "better" camera seems like a piece of junk LOL. Anyway, when we got back from florida I went to shutterfly to make a photo book. I was almost happy with the book, but their templates left alot to be desired. Not to long after that I was at the store and found a magazine called Digital Scrapbooking Magazine. I was intriged. The mag had a list of all these online companies that sold Digi supplies. It was in that list that I found Scrapgirls, which would soon become my home away from home. I went to their website and spent months learning all I could about this new thing called "Digital Scrapbooking". It included lots of my favorite things, computers, digital photos, adobe software!!! It brought me back to my youth LOL. Ok, maybe I should explain that. I have a degree in Electronic Publishing that I haven't used in FOREVER. It was digital scrapbooking that made me realize how much I miss it.

There's lots about digi that I love. I have been a scrapbooker off and on for decades. But when I had the boys, lugging out all the papers and CUTTERS and glue and stickers, well......
It just became such a chore and a safety hazzard. Besides no messes, I like that you can use your supplies over and over again, you can change the color of a paper or embelishment to better match your layout, and it is much more portable. I can sit in the living room with my boys and scrap while they do homework or watch a movie or whatever. I can scrap in bed late at night when everyone else is asleep LOL. Mommy the night owl. Or at Caribou or while on vacation....

If you would like to learn more about Digital Scrapbooking look on the right of my blog, find the blinkie thing that says Scrapgirls, click on that you can go to that website and learn tons.
Oh and while you 're there, stop by the messageboard and look me up, my screen name is Shelbi.

If all that is still too confusing for you, give me a call I'd be happy to help.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

One Decade

On Monday Feb. 2nd my oldest son Cody turned 10.


Where did the last decade go?

I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday.
He was born 12 days past his due date, at 4:15 am. The Dr. and nurses couldn't figure out why we got so teary eyed when they announced the time of birth. 4/15 as in April 15th is the day we got married. Yes, it was tax day, it was also the 3 year anniversary of our first date. That are first child togather was born at 4:15 just seemed so meaningful to us at the time.

A few hours later when one of my friends from work came to visit us I shocked her by saying that I wanted another baby!!! She thought I was nuts and said maybe I should at least get him home before I decided I wanted more.

Alot has happened in the last ten years. We did end up having another baby, after losing one. We did ECFE, Pre-k, Elementary school, cub scouts, t-ball, karate. We've moved, learned about bullies, figured out potty training and flown with a 2 year (not fun). We've seen oceans, mountains, the desert, the Grand Canyon, the giant redwoods, Mount Rushmore, a variety of Zoos and even rode on the Pizza train.

One of my favorite (and some days least favorite) part about parenthood, the part they don't mention in the "what to expect when expecting" book, is how raising children is alot like reliving your own childhood. I almost feel like I am growing up WITH my boys, and some days I just don't want to be a grown up!!

Sometimes I miss that little baby, the one we called my third leg and velcro baby. Now he's too cool to let Mom hug him, unless of course he's sick, but at the same time I am really enjoying seeing the person he is turning into. I feel so privileged to be a part of his journey. I have a magnet on my fridge that reads "who are these kids, and why are they calling me mom"?

I used to joke that "whoever" decided it would be a good idea to put me in charge of someone else's life must be nuts. When I think of how close I came to not having kids I am filled with gratitude the "someone" knew more about what I wanted and needed then I did.

I just hope the next ten years go by a little slower.....


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