Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring cleaning

Ok so it isn't actually spring here in the midwest but it's time to do some cleaning. I hate cleaning, have I mentioned that? LOL. We recently decided to split the boys up, bedroomwise that is. They have been sharing a room since forever and it might be easier to keep this place picked up (yeah right) if they each had their own. I think they could fit more of they crap, um I mean treasures in their rooms if there weren't two beds in one room. I have been holding off splitting them up because I really wanted to use the third bedroom for my office/craft room since it doesn't look like we are EVER going to be able to finish the basement (a topic I would rather not discuss right now grrrr....). Part of putting them in separate rooms is figuring out what goes where, what fits who, what we should keep and what we can and should get rid of. So far we have gone through their dressers and purged all the clothes that doen't fit, we went through some toys and some books. Once they EACH have a dresser, a closet and a bookcase we might have LESS toys, books and crap in the living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom.....

I still have alot to do. Wish me luck.


Karen no_idea March 8, 2009 at 5:11 PM  

Sounds like you have a plan! I understand the need to corral the kid's stuff. When we mounted the kid's bookshelves on the wall and off the floor (3-4 feet), the bedrooms suddenly seemed cleaner! Good luck.

Tiza March 9, 2009 at 9:20 PM  

Good luck!! My junk could use a big Spring Cleaning...I already moved everything once, don't want to move it all again later this summer.

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