Saturday, February 7, 2009

Book Review ~ Digging to America

Remember when I posted the book challenge?

I finished the book I was reading, Digging to America by Anne Tyler, and I thought I would post a little review. It has been several years since I read a book by this author, but I have always enjoyed her style. She has a way of making everyday life interesting.

Digging to America is the story of two American families who adopt baby girls from Korea. The book begins as the two families meet each other at the airport the day that their daughters arrive and follows the families for several years. The main theme of the book is finding your place. One of the families is a white family and the other family is Iranian. It is interesting to watch how differently the two families raise their daughters and the choices they make. Can you guess which family tries the hardest to "Americanize" their daughter and which tries the hardest to preserve her Korean-ness? It is an interesting glimpse into the life of an American who wasn't born in America. It is not my favorite book by Ms. Tyler but still a good one.


Anonymous,  February 21, 2009 at 2:18 PM  

I have a friend who adopted her son from Korea. Might be an interesting read from that perspective. Thanks for sharing!

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