Proud Day for Mommy
Friday was report card day at my son's school.
My oldest got an A- in art, he always gets his best grades in Art class. I am probably the only Mommy in town who gets so excited about this. My FIL used to be a high school art teacher, several members of my husband's side of the family are talented artists and I have always hoped that at least one of my boys would inherit that trait. He got a B- in both Math and Reading, which is an improvement over past years and I am happy about that too.
They both scored well in rule following and participation too. My youngest did well in everything except sight words and lower case letters. I think it has something to do with the tails. They have to learn the De'nealion alphabet and both of them had issues with the tails.
They are well behaved and learning stuff.
All is right with the world.
It is always nice when your kids do well! Enjoy your time to be proud!
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