Saturday, January 31, 2009

Proud Day for Mommy

Friday was report card day at my son's school.
My oldest got an A- in art, he always gets his best grades in Art class. I am probably the only Mommy in town who gets so excited about this. My FIL used to be a high school art teacher, several members of my husband's side of the family are talented artists and I have always hoped that at least one of my boys would inherit that trait. He got a B- in both Math and Reading, which is an improvement over past years and I am happy about that too.
They both scored well in rule following and participation too. My youngest did well in everything except sight words and lower case letters. I think it has something to do with the tails. They have to learn the De'nealion alphabet and both of them had issues with the tails.
They are well behaved and learning stuff.
All is right with the world.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Reading Challenge 2009

I read somewhere recently that 25% of Americans didn't read ANY books last year.
I thought that was really scary.
I have always been a big reader, so much so that I have a bookworm tattoo. I call it my nerd tattoo.
Admittedly I don't as many books now that I've had kids. I don't have as much time. And of course most of my "spare" time seems to be spent at my computer, I do read blogs and news websites and stuff while I am here so I do still read alot.
Thank God for Twilight series. I read all four of them the week I learned about them, I had been looking for a new series now that Harry Potter has ended.

So my challenge to you is this, let's read more this year.
Let's have a discussion about what we are reading. What are YOU reading? I want to know.
I have a list on the left side of this blog of the book I already read this year.

I was "cleaning" the other day and a book that I bought and then forgot about, so that is the next book I am going to start.
It's called Digging to America.
It was written by Anne Tyler.

When I'm done I'll tell you what I think of it.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Appreciating Art

The Tuesday after Christmas the boys and I were just hanging out at the house. They were content to play with all the new stuff they got for Christmas, I however, was bored. I tried to get them to go to the art museum downtown. I haven't been there in years, Cody had gone there for a field trip in 2nd grade and I don't Devin has ever been there.
We have gone to the Science museum recently and they both really enjoyed that. We've been to the Children's museum and the museum about magnets, so I thought that the art museum would be a good choice.

Dev: "why can't we just stay home"?

Me: "aren't you bored"?

Cody: "no"

Me: "wouldn't it be nice to get out of the house"?

Dev: "why do you want to go to a dumb museum and look at a bunch of art made by OTHER people"?

Cody: "yeah mom, why do you want to go look at art made by OTHER people when I make you art all the time"?

One of the gifts Cody had given me for Christmas this year was a picture he had drawn for me in art class at school. He actually drew it for me LAST year for Christmas but had forgotten it. He left it in his are folder at school for a year, and then wrapped it up and gave it to me this year. It was all bent and folded and was one of my favorite gifts I received this year.

Needless to say we didn't go to the museum that day...
I don't know if it was Mommy guilt or if I am just a sucker, but we stayed home that day.
The boys played with their new legos and I spendt some time appreciating the art they have given me over the years.

I'm working on a scrapbook page about the drawing Cody gave me for Chrismas, it's not done yet, so in the meantime here is the drawing he did for me.


Welcome to my blog!!

I decided to start a blog for two reasons.

1) You know me, I'm always sending out emails with jokes, or photos, or my latest scrapbook page or just general goings on at our house. I always seem to forget someone, so then I go back and send ANOTHER email and on and on.

And I was thinking "Gee I wish that was a way I could keep my friends and family updated on what we're doing and share photos and book reviews and just general chit chat in one place..."

2) It has been bitterly cold here and I had been cooped up in the house with the boys for waaaaay too long. LOL. I was on driving the ladies at Scrapgirls crazy posting lyrics to obscure 80's songs. One of them finally said "hey michelle I think you're bored, go take a pic of something"

I have been working on this thing for DAYS LOL. I have completely trashed it and started all over again. I am new to blogging so bare with me. I finally decided that I should just start already and update as I learn new things instead of trying to get everything "perfect" before I share it.

So bookmark me or add me to your favorites or follow me (look at the column on the left for that) or whatever it is you do to keep track of web places you like to visit, because you never know what I might put here. It might be something really fantastic or you know really lame, either way you don't want to miss it!!!


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